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X-CAMO was first conceived in 2010 by Bret Kimmel and David Couch, founders of MOC (Military Outdoor Clothing Inc.) of Greenview Texas, as a response to offer an affordable multi-terrain digital camouflage pattern.

In 2012 when the US ARMY was looking to replace their camouflage pattern, X-CAMO was noticed and recruited by a top Army General who asked X-CAMO to be sent to the  NSRDEC (United States Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Centre)  in Natick, Massachusetts. At this US Department of Defence installation the X-CAMO along with a number of other camouflage systems undergone serious consideration for the replacement program. However in the end due to budget restraints the US Army decided to developed their very own non-digital version camouflage with colours very similar X-CAMO.

This unique patented camouflage is the ideal multi-terrain camouflage for Military & Law Enforcement customers, as well as the airsoft, hunting, fishing & outdoor enthusiast crowd.

X-Camo Jacket

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