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"Battle Rattle does not indorse or recommend altering a Military grade helmet in any way. This item is for recreational use and Battle Rattle is not responsible for any injuries occured when using this product."


The new Condor Outdoor helmet pads have major improvements to our original set! The new pads feature better molded contours for applications to your helmet and for wear. The relayered high density, shock absorbing, closed cell foam provides great protection upon impact.


Condor Helmet Pads II

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    The badges, crests and insignia of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) are copyright and/or trade-mark protected. In accordance with Chapter 6, section 10, paragraph of CFP A-DH-200-000/AG-000 “The Heritage Structure of the Canadian Armed Forces” only a Commanding Officer may authorize reproduction of the formation or unit's official badge. Additionally, under the authority detailed in Chapter 10-4, section 3 of the Personnel Support Programs Policy Manual, a Branch, Regimental or Group Fund may establish a kit shop to offer specialized merchandise to the Branch, Regiment or Fund. Therefore, unless an order is accompanied by the written authorization of a unit Commanding Officer or a member of the senior executive of a Branch, Regimental or Group Fund (or their respective delegated authorities) it will not be processed.

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